Trampoline Injury Statistics 2017. Approximately 15 percent of injuries on trampolines happen to children younger than 6 and young children constitute up to 37 percent of patients evaluated in emergency rooms after trampoline. The rate rose up in the year2017 number was 6 16.

If 20 million kids each jumped on trampolines for two hours a day and there were 103 512 trampoline induced er visits that would be less concerning than if only 1 million kids jumped and only. Many parents purchase trampolines for their children believing that trampolines are toys that will provide hours of outdoor fun for kids. Among trampoline injuries treated in emergency rooms 4 percent result in a hospital stay.
Approximately 15 percent of injuries on trampolines happen to children younger than 6 and young children constitute up to 37 percent of patients evaluated in emergency rooms after trampoline.
Medical authorities advise against any home use of trampolines. From 2008 to 2017 4 increase in trampoline injuries was observed potentially driven by injuries at trampoline parks and gyms revealed new research being presented at the american academy of. There were nearly 7 000 trampoline park related injuries in 2014 compared to about 580 in 2010. Mon 13 mar 2017 20 01 edt.