Trampoline Injury Statistics 2015. Research has found that young children have the highest risk of serious injury including spine and leg fractures. Approximately 15 percent of injuries on trampolines happen to children younger than 6 and young children constitute up to 37 percent of patients evaluated in emergency rooms after trampoline.

What many do not realize says spineuniverse. Approximately 15 percent of injuries on trampolines happen to children younger than 6 and young children constitute up to 37 percent of patients evaluated in emergency rooms after trampoline. In addition to the 2 cases of spinal cord injuries at trampoline parks in the neiss sample multiple cases of spinal cord injuries have been reported in the media 26 30 as well as a traumatic brain injury 31 and 2 deaths at trampoline parks.
Many parents purchase trampolines for their children believing that trampolines are toys that will provide hours of outdoor fun for kids.
Posted 10 sep september 2015 thu thursday 10 sep september 2015 at 8 18pm. What many do not realize says spineuniverse. A couple notable statistics on trampoline parks and accidents. In addition to the 2 cases of spinal cord injuries at trampoline parks in the neiss sample multiple cases of spinal cord injuries have been reported in the media 26 30 as well as a traumatic brain injury 31 and 2 deaths at trampoline parks.