Static Electricity On Trampoline. If the trampolinist is wearing cotton socks or even worse rubber soled shoes. I have no idea how this is caused.

You ll also get first hand tips and recommendations from other parents on where to shop for the best deals and bargains. The material of the trampoline surface is usually the culprit. Cover all areas of the trampoline that people will come into onto contact with including the bed padding springs side rails and safety netting.
Cover all areas of the trampoline that people will come into onto contact with including the bed padding springs side rails and safety netting.
And for some reason every time you trek through the cold to touch a doorknob or a car handle you get an uncomfortable shock. Take this sad tale of a boy and his trampoline for instance. It s not uncommon for people to experience static shock when jumping your a vuly trampoline. The cause is usually dry air and the materials that rub against each other.