Plum Magnitude 12ft Trampoline. Made from galvanised steel inside and out the plum magnitude 12ft trampoline is built with long lasting rust free protection for increased strength. Engineered to deliver performance style and safety with every bounce plum s 12ft whirlwind trampoline will be a garden talking point for years to come.

Fitted with an innovative bubble shaped enclosure the magnitude trampoline curves out to give a massive jumping space plenty more room for launching and landing. Designed to inspire hours of outdoor play plum s 12ft magnitude trampoline inspires creative jumpers to take the bouncing experience to the next level. Made from galvanised steel inside and out the plum magnitude 12ft trampoline is built with long lasting rust free protection for increased strength.
With a frame made from extra thick double galvanised steel plum s 12ft premium magnitude trampoline is strong and secure promising a lifetime of play.
Fitted with a neon swirl enclosure that protects the user from the springs and frame parts the 12ft contemporary trampoline is fit for safety and style in equal measures. The plum 12ft latitude trampoline comes with fluid shapes innovative engineering and contemporary colour scheme. With added strength and stability the premium magnitude trampoline uses plum s patented tramp klamp bracket which encases the leg and frame joint to hold it in place giving additional stability strength and protection against rust. Designed to inspire hours of outdoor play plum s 12ft magnitude trampoline inspires creative jumpers to take the bouncing experience to the next level.