Ground Level Trampoline Safety. The first thing that you have to understand is that in ground trampolines are not inherently safer than ones up on stilts. May increase the severity of the injuries.

Jumping at this height can still lead to a painful fall if the jumper were to miss the mat. Make sure the trampoline is set a safe distance from trees and other hazards. Place home trampolines at ground level.
While installing the trampoline ensure that you have a safety perimeter of at least 3 meters or more around your trampoline and it is away from trees fences poles or walls.
Never place a trampoline on concrete unless you have a layer of safety mats around the trampoline. Never place a trampoline on concrete unless you have a layer of safety mats around the trampoline. Don t allow a child younger than age 6 years to use the trampoline. Therefore a safety net enclosure is always a necessity.