Dropping A Car On A Trampoline. Getting the car to actually bounce however required all kinds of scientific number crunching. Apparently someone out there was also curious about the answer to this question because a group of friends challenged themselves to find the answer and video it too.

Anything new and nice like a right hand drive ford mustang was out of the. This is a video of ex nasa engineer mark rober teaming up with the australians behind youtube channel how ridiculous to build a trampoline weighing two tons made out of kevlar and 144 garage door springs strong enough to bounce a car off of when dropped from 150 feet. Obviously not just any car would do but rather an old piece of crap on its way to the crusher.
Apparently someone out there was also curious about the answer to this question because a group of friends challenged themselves to find the answer and video it too.
Remember the egg drop experiment you did in high school. This video shows the construction of a custom heavy. Apparently someone out there was also curious about the answer to this question because a group of friends challenged themselves to find the answer and video it too. The car was dropped and the trampoline held.